Script below to get the CU SID and save it to an environment variable called USERSID.
# – 22-08-2019
# Script to get the SID of the Current Logged on User and save to environment variable
# Get Username from CU Environment variable
$CurrentUser = Get-CU-SID ([Environment]::UserName)
# Parse Function to get SID
Set-Item -path env:USERSID -value ($CurrentUser)
# Set USERSID CU Environment variable
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(“USERSID”, $CurrentUser, “User”)
# Function to get Current User SID
function Get-CU-SID
Param ( $CUIdentity )
$MyID = new-object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($CUIdentity)
return $MyID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).toString()
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